Gitkinjuaas (commonly known as Giitxaas or Ron Wilson) is known for his skill in wood, argillite, copper, gold and silver carving. Gitkinjuaas studied at the Vancouver School of Art, after which he spent several months in Victoria learning wood carving under well-known Kwakwaka’wakw carver Henry Hunt Sr. Evidence of Gitkinjuaas’ handiwork can be noted in various places throughout Haida Gwaii, most notably in the Tanuu cedar totem pole standing outside of the Haida Heritage Centre in Skidegate (Ḵay Llngaay). It is one of six poles erected to honour Haida villages in southern Haida Gwaii.
Gitkinjuaas (which means "Big Man" in Haida) is the chief of Cumshewa, a small village on the southern part of Moresby Island. Many of his ancestors moved from Cumshewa to Skidegate and have been there ever since. Although little but ruins are left of the original village, Gitkinjuaas and other Cumshewa clan members keep its memory alive through cultural activities and ceremonies as well as through Gitkinjuaas' artwork. He is active in the community and is a supporter of the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program.